inveneo: Solar panels on poles - a closeup
inveneo: Cummuatair Savanne Plate Solar Panels
inveneo: Solar panels at Ecole Cummuatair Savanne Plate
inveneo: Computer lab to be
inveneo: Solar panels on poles
inveneo: Yes, it's a rural school
inveneo: Ecole Cummyatair Savanne Plate
inveneo: Computer lab installation at Ecole Cummyatair Savanne Plate
inveneo: 2012_2_17_Savanne_Plate_lab_with_computers_on
inveneo: 2012_2_17_Savanne_Plate_lab_with_michelet
inveneo: 2012_2_17_Savanne_Plate_lab_computers
inveneo: 2012_2_17_Savanne_Plate_lab_complete
inveneo: Connectivity Installation at Ecole Cummyatair Savanne Plate
inveneo: Checking the wiring for the connectivity installation
inveneo: School buildings from above
inveneo: Very rural school - without a perimeter wall
inveneo: Ecole Communautaire de Savanne Plate