inveneo: BATI introductions by Ralph
inveneo: Ralph explaining how installs work
inveneo: Ralph explaining equipment
inveneo: Rico talking about Rocket Dishes
inveneo: Questions?
inveneo: Bruce's turn. This is going to be the Unifi set up
inveneo: One of the buildings on campus. Classrooms on both sides with the library in the middle.
inveneo: Site survey
inveneo: Bruce explaining the layout of the Unifi system
inveneo: more surveying
inveneo: Questions?
inveneo: Questions from the BATI
inveneo: got it?
inveneo: BATI discussing the install
inveneo: Discussing the connection
inveneo: Bruce explaining how each nanostation will be powered
inveneo: Nanostations individually powered by solar panels
inveneo: CIMG7951
inveneo: more site survey
inveneo: which tower to connect to?
inveneo: IIT students and BATI
inveneo: Climbing
inveneo: The dorm
inveneo: The view from the school
inveneo: Testing the connectivity to the tower in Lascahobas
inveneo: Sunrise in Lascahobas
inveneo: Day 2
inveneo: Pencer and Tony work on cabling
inveneo: Pencer getting his stride...stapling the cable to the wall
inveneo: a flexible man...