inveneo: UltiNetS Internet Networking and Web Technologies
inveneo: UltiNetS Staff Configuring Classmate PC Laptop Computers
inveneo: Richard Chisala from UltiNetS showing Classmate PC's in EarthWalk laptop charging and storage cart
inveneo: Richard Chisala of UltiNetS showing a Classmate PC to Sellina Kanyerere
inveneo: Stuart Winga of UltiNetS describing an Internet network diagram
inveneo: Visualization of WiFi Internet Access Networks at Pacific Hotel
inveneo: Richard Chisala of UltiNetS and Jonas Goodson of Lilongwe Teachers College
inveneo: Richard Chisala pulling up to UltiNetS offices in Lilongwe
inveneo: UltiNetS WiFI HotSpot has the strongest signal at Pacific Hotel
inveneo: UltiNetS Office Sign
inveneo: UltiNetS staff taking a break from deploying Classmate PC's
inveneo: David Chisala of UltiNetS
inveneo: Elizabeth of UltiNetS Networking Services
inveneo: Peace Chisala of UltiNetS using an Inveneo High Performance Computing Station
inveneo: UltiNetS staff replacing a netbook computer screen
inveneo: Lunch at UltiNetS is tasty!