inveneo: Plastics fabrication by Ghana univeristy students
inveneo: The Talking Book by Literacy Bridge Ghana
inveneo: Pastic Water Bottle Sculpture
inveneo: Handmade LED lighting ideas
inveneo: Recycled battery power system
inveneo: Pedal Powered Hand Saw
inveneo: Netropolix Computer Store in Accra Ghana
inveneo: Corporate Computer Services in Accra Ghana
inveneo: Maker Faire 2009 Sponsors
inveneo: Brian Shih building Inveneo's mini FM transmitter
inveneo: Maker Faire 2009 Blackboard Blogger
inveneo: Hand Built FM Radio Transmitter
inveneo: Takoradi Technical Institute Ghana
inveneo: Recycle Aluminum for Batteries
inveneo: Inveneo's SMS to FrontlineSMS to Twitter Set up
inveneo: Brian showing how FitSlim computer and Hub Server integrate
inveneo: Brian Shih at Inveneo's MFA2009 Booth
inveneo: Makers Inspecting Inveneo's Display at MFA2009
inveneo: Brian Shih Explaining his SMS to FrontlineSMS to Twitter Hack
inveneo: Sabra Asante and Wayan Vota
inveneo: Brian Shih Explaining Inveneo Computer Station
inveneo: Deep Cycle Battery for Emergency Power
inveneo: Ghana Geeks Checkout Out Mini FM Radio Station
inveneo: So that's how the SMS to FrontlineSMS to Twitter works
inveneo: Maker Faire Africa Blackboard
inveneo: More Ghana Makers: Hand-built FM Radio
inveneo: FM Radio Team at Maker Faire Africa
inveneo: Briah Shih Showing Off Mini FM Transmitter
inveneo: Afrobotics at MFA 2009
inveneo: Yes, that's a full FIT PC computer system