inveneo: What is the difference between $35 Aakash tablet and $100 OLPC laptop
inveneo: Data Wind 6-month product road map
inveneo: Key Data Wind Technology: offloading core browser processing tasks to cloud servers
inveneo: e-Aakash panel discussion at World Bank
inveneo: Alex Trebek opens the #AllChildrenReading USAID Grand Challenge for Development
inveneo: Inveneo display booth at USAID Grand Challenge conference
inveneo: Top 12 barriers to ICT use in schools
inveneo: Kristin Peterson accepting 2011 Laureate Award at IDG’s Computerworld Honors Gala
inveneo: Kristin Peterson - a proud 2011 Laureate of IDG’s Computerworld Honors Program
inveneo: Wayan Vota with Computerworld Honors Laureate Medal
inveneo: Join Wayan Vota of Inveneo at "Wireless Democracy: Innovation in Africa" - a panel discussion at SAIS in DC on March 29th
inveneo: A sign you're at ICT4Drinks: iPads and beer on every table top
inveneo: Open311: software platform for participatory civic infrastructure
inveneo: Best Slide at #techATstate so far - OMG from Andrew McLaughlin
inveneo: US Gov Open Source Scorecard at #techATstate
inveneo: Asthmapolis uses GPS to track asthma attacks by time & location #techATstate
inveneo: Bing incorporated HSS hospital ranking data into their search results #techATstate
inveneo: runs on Open Source Software #techATstate
inveneo: Advantages of Open Source Software at #techATstate
inveneo: "7-inch tablets are perfect for classroom teachers" - David Stevenson at m4Ed4Dev #edutech
inveneo: MILLEE Snake Spelling Game
inveneo: MILLEE Program results: greater spelling and vocabulary by children
inveneo: Lesson 4: mLearning is still about curriculum & content development, not application development
inveneo: When does mLearning happen? 75% at home
inveneo: Matthew Kam, PhD Director, MILLEE Project Carnegie Mellon University
inveneo: Kenya's national fiber optic Internet backbone
inveneo: Fiber optic undersea cables connecting Kenya to the world
inveneo: Kenya Knowledge Society Policy Goals from Ministry of Information and Communication
inveneo: Dr. Bitange Ndemo, Permanent Secretary of Kenya's Ministry of Information and Communication
inveneo: Kenya Cyber Security Reverse Trade Mission to USA