inveneo: ActionAid Uganda Village Meeting with Mark
inveneo: ActionAid Uganda Village Meeting
inveneo: Mark Installs Antenna ActionAid Knowledge Center
inveneo: ActionAid Team Bukuuku Uganda
inveneo: Uganda ActionAid Poster
inveneo: Nyarukamba Installation Equipment up hill June 05
inveneo: Nyarukamba Installation June 05 small
inveneo: Nabwire Jane installs lightning protection under the watchful eye of Nyamiryango villagers
inveneo: ActionAid Uganda Nyarukamba Computer
inveneo: ActionAid Uganda Interest in Computer
inveneo: Nyarukamba Antenna March 06
inveneo: Nyarukamba Family #2
inveneo: antenna installation in Karago Village
inveneo: ActionAid Margeret Kabalimba's House
inveneo: ActionAid uganda Margarets Mother
inveneo: ActionAid Uganda Stevie M Circle Leader
inveneo: ActionAid Uganda Visiting Nyarukamba
inveneo: ActionAid Uganda Bananas to Market