IanMoore3000: Our journey begins
IanMoore3000: Sir William Gull's home
IanMoore3000: Vitruvius Britannicus
IanMoore3000: Looking down Brook Street
IanMoore3000: Another picture of Battle Bridge Road
IanMoore3000: Arty double exposure 1
IanMoore3000: Battle Bridge Road
IanMoore3000: London Fields
IanMoore3000: More London Fields
IanMoore3000: On Albion Drive
IanMoore3000: Obelisk
IanMoore3000: Defoe and Blake
IanMoore3000: Bunhill Fields
IanMoore3000: Cheeky Squirrel
IanMoore3000: Terrifying Squirrel
IanMoore3000: Bunhill Fields
IanMoore3000: St. Luke's
IanMoore3000: St Luke's steeple
IanMoore3000: St. Luke's
IanMoore3000: The Shard
IanMoore3000: Northampton Square
IanMoore3000: Northampton Square bandstand
IanMoore3000: St. George Bloomsbury
IanMoore3000: St. George Bloomsbury
IanMoore3000: St. George Bloomsbury
IanMoore3000: Why do you smile when you think about Earl's Court?
IanMoore3000: The Embankment
IanMoore3000: Cleopatra's Needle
IanMoore3000: Photographing the needle