IanMoore3000: The sun sets over the Nile, again
IanMoore3000: town square, Luxor
IanMoore3000: Luxor Temple
IanMoore3000: The Valley of the Kings
IanMoore3000: balloons
IanMoore3000: Karnak model
IanMoore3000: Entering Karnak
IanMoore3000: Guardian sphinxes
IanMoore3000: Guardian sphinxes
IanMoore3000: Stray dogs
IanMoore3000: facial expressions
IanMoore3000: Cartouches
IanMoore3000: statue
IanMoore3000: Pylon and courtyard
IanMoore3000: Ozymandias
IanMoore3000: Pillars
IanMoore3000: Great Hippostyle Hall
IanMoore3000: statues
IanMoore3000: decorated pillars
IanMoore3000: decorated pillars
IanMoore3000: hieroglyphs
IanMoore3000: More smiting
IanMoore3000: offerings
IanMoore3000: The Pillar of Min
IanMoore3000: Offering to Min
IanMoore3000: abasement
IanMoore3000: God boats
IanMoore3000: obelisks