wagongrrl: What happens when you root in the garbage cans during the blizzard
wagongrrl: Pogo posing
wagongrrl: Pogo sez, I never had this much fun in Oklahoma!
wagongrrl: at the front door, enough with the pictures!
wagongrrl: Another blizzard portrait
wagongrrl: Posing on the way home - pretty girls
wagongrrl: Two dogs waiting outside the bagel shop
wagongrrl: Bob and Denali make a bagel stop
wagongrrl: another view of the walk home
wagongrrl: The walk homeward
wagongrrl: Denali is made for this weather
wagongrrl: Haley sez, we have a 2 mile walk home to look forward to
wagongrrl: Blade
wagongrrl: View towards Dog Beach
wagongrrl: Good choice for outer wear
wagongrrl: Snow balls all over
wagongrrl: Tail works to keep the snow off too
wagongrrl: Shake it off
wagongrrl: Visibility is nil
wagongrrl: Pretty girls (Pogo in the back looking for a treat)
wagongrrl: Here comes Denali!
wagongrrl: Portrait of the Intrepid Greys with friends.
wagongrrl: Somehow Blade and Haley think sitting will make it all go away.
wagongrrl: Pogo huddles with Bob
wagongrrl: Stylish Blade, always making a fashion statement.
wagongrrl: haley sez, I've had enough...
wagongrrl: It's really coming down now.
wagongrrl: Squinty eyes - I need goggles!
wagongrrl: Blade and Haley
wagongrrl: Standing around getting snowed on.