intothefuzz: FOSDEM Entrance
intothefuzz: Approaching FOSDEM
intothefuzz: Approaching FOSDEM
intothefuzz: Merch Table
intothefuzz: Mark Surman Keynote
intothefuzz: More Merch Table
intothefuzz: Pascal's Talk
intothefuzz: William Interviews
intothefuzz: Gandalf's Talk
intothefuzz: My Talk
intothefuzz: My Talk
intothefuzz: My Talk
intothefuzz: Blizzard, Tenser and Friend
intothefuzz: Dinner Menu
intothefuzz: Mozilla Banquet
intothefuzz: Gerv Models a *Very* Cool Shirt
intothefuzz: Interesting Bathroom Art
intothefuzz: The Start of the Trouble...
intothefuzz: Two Boots, Please
intothefuzz: Mozilla Boot Crew
intothefuzz: Herr Tenser
intothefuzz: Staś Gets Down
intothefuzz: Chillin'
intothefuzz: Chillin'
intothefuzz: Mozilla Pride
intothefuzz: Mozilla Pride
intothefuzz: Tenser Quality
intothefuzz: Quite an Operation
intothefuzz: l10n Drivers
intothefuzz: Swedish-American Peace Pact