intocollidingentropy: "Looking at you now you would never know" - 52 Weeks: Prelude (EXPLORE #448)
intocollidingentropy: "Until the day we meet again" - WEEK ONE: 52 Weeks (EXPLORE #112)
intocollidingentropy: "And my heart yearns me on" - WEEK TWO: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "Through these walls the winter bites, a draft from all sides" - WEEK THREE: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "I shall never grow up, make believe is much too fun" - WEEK FOUR: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "I'm a walking advertisement of both light and dark" - WEEK FIVE: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "When you're truly cared for, there's no purpose for words" - WEEK SIX: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "All I have is all" - WEEK SEVEN: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "Such a familiar stranger" - WEEK EIGHT: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "We are nowhere, and it's now" - WEEK NINE: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "Disarm yourself... of the weapons of privilege" - WEEK TEN: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "When we die, we will die with our arms unbound... this is why we fight" - WEEK ELEVEN: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: In Honor Of - WEEK TWELVE: 52 Weeks
intocollidingentropy: "If you still want me, please forgive me, because the spark is not within me" - WEEK THIRTEEN: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "And we, got by, floating in the water, singing hallelujah" - WEEK FOURTEEN: 52 Weeks Project - EXPLORED #495
intocollidingentropy: "Strange how the half light can make a place new, you can't recognize me and I can't recognize you" - WEEK FIFTEEN: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "Haven't you seen me sleep walking? 'Cause I've been holding your hand, haven't you noticed me drifting? Oh, let me tell you, I am" - WEEK SIXTEEN: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "You are a vision, and I am blindness..." - WEEK SEVENTEEN: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "May the wind be always at your back and the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rains fall soft upon your field, until the day we meet again" - WEEK EIGHTEEN: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "That's where we would go, to hang our pretty things, and watch the wind blow" - WEEK NINETEEN: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "These are my souvenirs, the memory of a lifetime" - WEEK TWENTY: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "Roots" - WEEK TWENTY ONE: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "Thrive" - WEEK TWENTY TWO: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "And I cried myself to sleep last night, for the Earth, and materials, they may sound just right to me" - WEEK TWENTY THREE: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "Her body spins as she pirouettes again, the world suddenly seems small" - WEEK TWENTY FOUR: 52 Weeks Project -- EXPLORE: #409
intocollidingentropy: "I had shoes to fill walkin' barefoot now. Can't tell north from south but no split hairs gonna get me down." - WEEK TWENTY FIVE: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "If I don't make it back from the city then, it is only because I am drawn away" - WEEK TWENTY SIX: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." -Virginia Woolf -- WEEK TWENTY-SEVEN: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "No you can't burn what's already on fire" - WEEK TWENTY EIGHT: 52 Weeks Project
intocollidingentropy: "I miss direction, most in all this desperation" - WEEK TWENTY NINE: 52 Weeks Project