Laura Granlund: Designed custom gift bags
Laura Granlund: Cupcake art
Laura Granlund: Designed this outdoor barricade graphic
Laura Granlund: Designed the Eatery logo for the food court
Laura Granlund: Designed this gift card for the shopping center food court
Laura Granlund: Designed and installed these graphics for a Nuovo Tea kiosk
Laura Granlund: Designed and installed these graphics for a Nuovo Tea kiosk
Laura Granlund: Spring Web Graphic
Laura Granlund: Hanging Sky Banner
Laura Granlund: Outdoor Pole Banners
Laura Granlund: TribuneBlackFriday2013
Laura Granlund: Herald_SantaAD2013
Laura Granlund: BlackFridayTRIB2013
Laura Granlund: HolidayAD2_2013Herald
Laura Granlund: Campaign
Laura Granlund: KidsWorld22x28
Laura Granlund: KidsWorldLogo2014
Laura Granlund: On-site signage
Laura Granlund: Eatery Backlits
Laura Granlund: Eatery Duratran
Laura Granlund: Eatery 30x70.2
Laura Granlund: Eatery Sky Banner
Laura Granlund: Eatery Door Cling
Laura Granlund: Eatery Floor Cling
Laura Granlund: IMG_6573
Laura Granlund: Wildflower Seed Packs
Laura Granlund: Brookfield Zoo - Dinosaurs Alive!
Laura Granlund: Leap Year Party
Laura Granlund: Drum kit design
Laura Granlund: Stuff the Sleigh