...-Wink-...: Even more inside a Trumpet Flower (Brugmansia)
...-Wink-...: Another Hibsicus
...-Wink-...: Hibiscus (Malvaceae)
...-Wink-...: Dead and Gone
...-Wink-...: Skeletal Remains
...-Wink-...: A purple pleasure
...-Wink-...: My Dinner: Pan fried chicken thigh, sweet potatoes, garlic & onion, steamed broccoli, carrots and a bit of cauliflower.
...-Wink-...: Welcome
...-Wink-...: Time to be shelved
...-Wink-...: Fuchsia magellanica
...-Wink-...: Rose (Rosa)
...-Wink-...: Just some flowers
...-Wink-...: It Slinks
...-Wink-...: Blooming Bush
...-Wink-...: A Fence and a bit of bokeh
...-Wink-...: In a Galaxy far far away...
...-Wink-...: Big Broccoli
...-Wink-...: Roomba
...-Wink-...: Dinner
...-Wink-...: 8-1/4 + a donut
...-Wink-...: Round things
...-Wink-...: Crazy Bokeh
...-Wink-...: Skeletons in the Closet
...-Wink-...: Rugby...
...-Wink-...: Pistil Flash
...-Wink-...: Light Catcher
...-Wink-...: Stickem Up!
...-Wink-...: Stevia
...-Wink-...: []iiiii
...-Wink-...: Foxy