amseaman: Arthur and me
amseaman: Me and Elliott
amseaman: Elliott
amseaman: Drew and Dennis
amseaman: at mitskwa
amseaman: Drew and Seiko
amseaman: Elliott's first sushi
amseaman: Elliott's first sushi
amseaman: Katsu-don
amseaman: at mitskwa
amseaman: at mitskwa
amseaman: DSCF0352
amseaman: Three Amigos
amseaman: arthur and elliott
amseaman: Dennis
amseaman: talking with dennis
amseaman: lights
amseaman: Drew on the phone
amseaman: Drew on the phone
amseaman: in the library
amseaman: in the library
amseaman: in the library
amseaman: at the library
amseaman: at the library
amseaman: Leaves
amseaman: Drew in his car
amseaman: Mya
amseaman: Hanging out in Chicago
amseaman: Hanging out in Chicago
amseaman: Hanging out in Chicago