amseaman: 20160202-IMGP2918
amseaman: Lazy boys
amseaman: Hanging at home
amseaman: Micah in the curtains
amseaman: Missy and Micah
amseaman: Missy and Micah
amseaman: Micah chilling
amseaman: 20160202-IMGP2950
amseaman: Here comes trouble
amseaman: Here comes trouble
amseaman: Playing on the couch
amseaman: Missy and Micah
amseaman: Missy and Micah
amseaman: Shelfie
amseaman: Shelfie
amseaman: Micah on the couch
amseaman: Micah Reading
amseaman: We got a new car
amseaman: We got a new car
amseaman: We got a new car
amseaman: Chef Harmonica boy
amseaman: Chef Harmonica boy
amseaman: Sarah and the boys
amseaman: Sarah and the boys
amseaman: 20160209-IMGP3025
amseaman: Shelfie 2
amseaman: Coffee cup
amseaman: Coffee cup
amseaman: Coffee cup
amseaman: Bottle Opener