Dell's Official Flickr Page: Customer Service Think Tank hosted by Dell
Lloyd Dangle: iPad notes on design thinking. #IFVP2012
David Armano: Advocacy Model
David Armano: Content Optimization for Search & Social
vonlohmann: Tofino Sunset
schmilblick: Old broken TV
ky_olsen: Listen
Balihoo: social media icons
David Armano: The 5 C's of Community
David Armano: Brand As Facilitator
David Armano: Brand As Broadcaster
David Armano: Blogsourcing
David Armano: 4-C's of Blogging
David Armano: Influence Ripples (slideshow version)
David Armano: Hierarchy + Networks
David Armano: Social Business Design
nestor galina: chess
stefanomaggi: Brands and Social Media: Characters and Evangelists are touchpoints
Frits Ahlefeldt Old account: When strategy is not important
mkandlez: When's the Best Time to Tweet?