interrobang: waiting for a train
interrobang: city of light
interrobang: bridge ghost
interrobang: night on the bridge
interrobang: he shoots
interrobang: here is a city
interrobang: steel plant at night
interrobang: nickd comprehends a sunset
interrobang: chinatown gate
interrobang: xmas lights, chinatown
interrobang: omg, FRUSHI
interrobang: what happens when you don't reclaim your mishandled baggage right away:
interrobang: there was a hipster welcome wagon
interrobang: there was a dance party in the line for TMLMTBGB
interrobang: high windows, west town
interrobang: the picture of katy and byron that is not as bad as the other picture of katy and byron
interrobang: this octopus is not named frederica
interrobang: further shenanigans
interrobang: shenanigans
interrobang: playground!
interrobang: graffiti alley
interrobang: frederica had fancy breakfast
interrobang: GOOD MORNING
interrobang: final skyline view