Jamie Lynn Ross: Church in West Bank
Jamie Lynn Ross: A.'s brother and nephew
Jamie Lynn Ross: A.'s daughter and nephew
Jamie Lynn Ross: Me, A's daughter and nephew
Jamie Lynn Ross: My former-husband and A's nephew
Jamie Lynn Ross: Our friend, A, in his brother's home
Jamie Lynn Ross: Our friend, A, in his brother's home
Jamie Lynn Ross: A's daughter and two nephews
Jamie Lynn Ross: A's daughter and two nephews
Jamie Lynn Ross: A & his wife F and that's me on the right
Jamie Lynn Ross: A & his wife F
Jamie Lynn Ross: A & his father
Jamie Lynn Ross: A & his father with my former-husband
Jamie Lynn Ross: A with his two beautiful girls
Jamie Lynn Ross: 2 of A's nephews
Jamie Lynn Ross: A. & his baby girl
Jamie Lynn Ross: A's youngest, A, a niece, A's oldest daughter and 2 nephews
Jamie Lynn Ross: A with daughters and a niece and nephew
Jamie Lynn Ross: Two of A's older sons are in the back of this photo, both with their heads on their hands.
Jamie Lynn Ross: Glamour Shot
Jamie Lynn Ross: A's 2nd oldest son with two nephews
Jamie Lynn Ross: Nieces and Nephews of A.
Jamie Lynn Ross: Nieces and Nephews of A.
Jamie Lynn Ross: Nieces and Nephews of A.
Jamie Lynn Ross: Me with A.'s youngest and a niece and nephew
Jamie Lynn Ross: Children in A.'s doorway
Jamie Lynn Ross: A. with a son on the right and a nephew on the left
Jamie Lynn Ross: Hello, from A.'s nephew!
Jamie Lynn Ross: A & F with their children
Jamie Lynn Ross: Land of A.'s Future House