InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie and Cory Booker
InternetGeekGirl: Cory Booker RAWKS!
InternetGeekGirl: Donna McCarthy and Kelli Jamison
InternetGeekGirl: Cartsens!
InternetGeekGirl: Karen from ContentRobot and Chris Brogan
InternetGeekGirl: Steve from AdRants loves his DELL
InternetGeekGirl: Smiles in the blog lounge
InternetGeekGirl: Maria Thurell
InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie And Ashley Edwards from Izea
InternetGeekGirl: @dingman in da haus
InternetGeekGirl: Jim Kukral rocks Guitar Hero
InternetGeekGirl: John Chow rocks Affiliate Summit
InternetGeekGirl: Shawn and Mark the Blog Captain
InternetGeekGirl: The Blogger Lounge Peeps
InternetGeekGirl: Pistachio and Steph
InternetGeekGirl: Melissa from is sooo amazing.
InternetGeekGirl: Melissa from and Stephanie