InternetGeekGirl: Dina and Alexa
InternetGeekGirl: Chris and the Boston Bar Friends
InternetGeekGirl: Boston Bar Friends - Go Yankees
InternetGeekGirl: Ted is a good dancer
InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie and @jgoode
InternetGeekGirl: Donna, Brad and folks at Seaport Hotel
InternetGeekGirl: Ashely, Angel, Ted and Brad
InternetGeekGirl: Lisa, Beth and Lisa
InternetGeekGirl: Maria and Oz
InternetGeekGirl: Oz and Brett
InternetGeekGirl: Social Media NYC Guys
InternetGeekGirl: Oz is funny
InternetGeekGirl: Brett and Chrissie
InternetGeekGirl: Oz and Gruen
InternetGeekGirl: Oz and Gruen again with the shocker thing
InternetGeekGirl: Chrissie and Jeremy
InternetGeekGirl: @OzSultan
InternetGeekGirl: Ashely Edwards from Izea
InternetGeekGirl: Ted Murphy from Izea
InternetGeekGirl: Ted Blurry