InternetGeekGirl: Irish whiskey and hello kitty
InternetGeekGirl: Oren and his fab daughter!
InternetGeekGirl: The British Invasion
InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie and Lisa
InternetGeekGirl: Cinthia and Jan - laughing as always. i love them.
InternetGeekGirl: Big smiles
InternetGeekGirl: Part of Andy and Me.
InternetGeekGirl: Just part of Andy
InternetGeekGirl: Sunshine.. andy and steph
InternetGeekGirl: Party time @ the TechSet BBQ
InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie Agresta and Dave Mathews
InternetGeekGirl: The Four Hour Party Week
InternetGeekGirl: The RocmanUSA
InternetGeekGirl: Partytime2
InternetGeekGirl: Wendy, Tim, Eric, LingLing
InternetGeekGirl: Everyone smiles around Stowe.
InternetGeekGirl: The cool peeps.
InternetGeekGirl: Bring on the music
InternetGeekGirl: Smile ladies.
InternetGeekGirl: Bird Monster!
InternetGeekGirl: Good times with good brew
InternetGeekGirl: Gabe Rivera and Stephanie Agresta
InternetGeekGirl: Cool Puma shoes
InternetGeekGirl: Berkeley does Redwood City. :)
InternetGeekGirl: Sez WHO????
InternetGeekGirl: Valerie the Beautiful
InternetGeekGirl: Jan Hertsens and Cinthia Shields
InternetGeekGirl: Obijan rules!
InternetGeekGirl: What a cutie!
InternetGeekGirl: Tim Ferris with Purple Hair