InternetGeekGirl: Karen from ContentRobot and friends
InternetGeekGirl: Vidar Brekke from LinkStorm
InternetGeekGirl: Jay and Pauline
InternetGeekGirl: The Unconference
InternetGeekGirl: NYC Rocks.
InternetGeekGirl: I heart NY.
InternetGeekGirl: Howard and (fake) Zebra
InternetGeekGirl: Howard and the BD girl
InternetGeekGirl: Howard and Stephanie and Zebra
InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie And Krsita the Waitress
InternetGeekGirl: Magnify This_Steve_Stephanie_Smiles
InternetGeekGirl: Awesome Party Attendees!
InternetGeekGirl: Bill Eller_Ted Shelton
InternetGeekGirl: Adam and friend
InternetGeekGirl: David_Sondra
InternetGeekGirl: Bill Eller_Gerry Beyer
InternetGeekGirl: Unconf crowd with Brian Shaler
InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie Agresta_Bill Eller
InternetGeekGirl: Sonda starts conversations.
InternetGeekGirl: Sondra and the guys nexts door.
InternetGeekGirl: Keith Knight and Stephanie Agresta
InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie and Ian
InternetGeekGirl: Gerry and Stephanie
InternetGeekGirl: Sondra in a blanket.
InternetGeekGirl: Roma (FB Friend) and Stephanie
InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie and Ari
InternetGeekGirl: ContentRobot Rock the World.
InternetGeekGirl: Late night with Stephanie and Cathy
InternetGeekGirl: Really late night with Stephanie and Cathy
InternetGeekGirl: Stephanie_Cath_Laughter