International Transport Forum: The plenary in session
International Transport Forum: Seleta Reynolds on sharing tools to achieve similar crossborder goals
International Transport Forum: Fredric K. Schroeder stresses that inclusivity of transport is at the heart of connectivity
International Transport Forum: The plenary in session
International Transport Forum: Fredric K. Schroeder praises the openess of discussion at the summit
International Transport Forum: Burkhard Jung on the global scale of challenges faced by cities like Leipzig
International Transport Forum: Burkhard Jung and Ali Aslan listening to Mohamed Mezghani
International Transport Forum: Mohamed Mezghani says “at UITP we speak about well-being not transport”
International Transport Forum: Young Tae Kim concludes the plenary session
International Transport Forum: Young Tae Kim and Burkhard Jung appreciating the plenary
International Transport Forum: Gloria Hutt-Hesse and Burkhard Jung in discussion
International Transport Forum: Carolina Simonetti, Young Tae Kim, Gloria Hutt-Hesse, Keechoo Choi and Felipe Saavedra at the plenary
International Transport Forum: Rocio Patricia Ruelas Fimbres, Haili Zhou and Saba Raffay attending the plenary
International Transport Forum: Carolina Simonetti, Young Tae Kim, Gloria Hutt-Hesse, Felipe Saavedra and Julian Sauer at the plenary
International Transport Forum: Nicolas Beaumont, Shailen P. Bhatt and Florent Menegaux sharing a joke
International Transport Forum: Burkhard Jung in discussion with Timothy Eydelnant
International Transport Forum: Gloria Hutt-Hesse and Young Tae Kim at the plenary session
International Transport Forum: Seleta Reynolds speaking with Mohamed Mezghani
International Transport Forum: Gloria Hutt-Hesse, Young Tae Kim and Burkhard Jung enjoying what they do
International Transport Forum: Florent Menegaux stresses the need for a shared vision between industry and government
International Transport Forum: Gloria Hutt-Hesse emphasises urgency of user-focused connectivity
International Transport Forum: Keechoo Choi on the social and economic benefits of better accessibility