International Rivers:
Two Activists Donning "No More Dams" Headbands
International Rivers:
Group of Advocates Demand the Halt of Harmful Dams in Thailand
International Rivers:
Activists Bring Their Rally to the River Itself
International Rivers:
Activists March to Celebrate International Day for Action Against Dams
International Rivers:
Activists March and Chant to Bring Awareness to River Protection
International Rivers:
"Save the River" Banner Makes Statement to Passing Boats
International Rivers:
Activists Gather to Show Opposition to Dams
International Rivers:
Monks Lead Activists in Prayer
International Rivers:
Activists Rally to Save Thailand's Rivers
International Rivers:
Day of Action in Thailand: March, 1999.
International Rivers:
Activists Join Together in Prayer
International Rivers:
Banners and Information Boards Describe the Perils Created by Mega-Dams
International Rivers:
Thai Activists Pray at Day of Action Rally