International Rivers:
Ashaninka Woman Gathers Bananas
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Children Watch the Ene River
International Rivers:
Ashaninka House in Boca Sanibeni
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Children Watch A Bird
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Masato
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Food is Collected and Shared
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Yucca Farming
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Fishing on the Ene River
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Girl Playing in Tsiquireni
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Bird Hunting
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Village on the Shores of the Ene
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Women Farming Bananas
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Woman Walking in the Forest
International Rivers:
Ashaninka Women of Tsiquireni