International Rivers:
Save the Narmada
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Construction of Sardar Sarovar Dam
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Jalsindhi Tribal Musicians
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International Protests Against the Sardar Sarovar Project
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Local Narmada Activists
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Resisting Sardar Sarovar Construction
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Boat Rally Protest
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Bombay Protest
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Affected Tribal Women
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Sardar Sarovar Canal
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1999 Rally for the Valley
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Displaced People and their Homes
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Pro-Sadar Sarovar Advertisement
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Sardar Sarovar Sign
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Adivasi Women
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Police Brutality on Sardar Sarovar Activists
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Narmada Valley Activists
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Narmada River Dams Protest
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Hunger Striker in India
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Hunger Strike in Protest of Sardar Sarovar
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Submerged Houses in the Narmada Valley during the 2006 Monsoon.
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The Narmada struggle in India has empowered rural women to stand up to big dams that threaten their communities
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Medha Patkar and NBA activists face submergence from Sardar Sarovar Dam
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Submergence of Khakrana village in the Narmada Valley during the 2006 Monsoon
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The Narmada Bachao Andolan fights for rehabilitation for Dam Victims in Delhi, India
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Protest against the Maheshwar Dam in the Narmada Valley
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Activists and affected people march against the construction of dams in the Narmada Valley
International Rivers:
Activists at the Narmada Bachao Andolan protest site