International Rivers: Location of action - 8:30AM
International Rivers: Demonstrators gather and organize
International Rivers: Demonstrators set up signs
International Rivers: Security guard orders demonstrators to clear sidewalk
International Rivers: Kate Ross demonstrates against Belo Monte
International Rivers: Costumed Na'vi demonstrator in solidarity with Brazilian dam-affected people
International Rivers: Signs for demonstration
International Rivers: Holding signs on sidewalk
International Rivers: Demonstrators hold sign
International Rivers: Holding signs on sidewalk
International Rivers: Demonstrators holding signs
International Rivers: Protest signs
International Rivers: Demonstrators holding signs
International Rivers: Chuck Johnson records audio
International Rivers: Official from the consulate consults with demonstrators
International Rivers: Demonstrators are invited inside for conversation
International Rivers: Demonstrators hold signs for oncoming traffic
International Rivers: International Rivers staff protest the Belo Monte dam
International Rivers: International Rivers and Amazon Watch speak out against the dam
International Rivers: Leila Salizar-Lopez gives a speech about the Belo Monte Dam
International Rivers: Jason Rainey meets Leila Salazar-Lopez
International Rivers: Ferdinand Rafols gives an speech about Belo Monte
International Rivers: Ferdinand Rafols gets choked up during speechbout Belo Monte
International Rivers: Ferdinand Rafols gives an speech about Belo Monte
International Rivers: Ferdinand Rafols gives an speech about Belo Monte
International Rivers: Handing out flyers about the demonstration
International Rivers: Handing out flyers about the demonstration