International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
United Disabled Persons of Kenya (UDPK)
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
María Eguenia Mijangos Martínez, Chair of Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Guatemala
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Nay Lin Soe, Councillor, Myanmar Independent Living Initiative, and recipient of the 2016 Charles T. Manatt Democracy Award
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Carolyn B. Dagani, Philippine Federation of the Deaf
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Advocate, Libyan Forum for People with Disabilities
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Nigerians with disabilities read braille
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Deaf participants take part in a workshop organized by IFES Macedonia
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Dr. Dinna Wisnu, Indonesian Representative to ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights