International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Actors play different roles during the demostration of Democrapoli, learning the role of each stakeholder in the electoral process.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Students in Thailand are educated about voting and the electoral process.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
A clay model formed by a student of IFES' Democracy Camp in Kyrgyzstan highlights victory.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Made with clay, crayons, and other various art materials, students of IFES' Democracy Camp in Kyrgyzstan display how their individualities make up the interlocking parts of a society.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Students of IFES' Democracy Camp in Osh oblast, Kyrgzstan utilize teamwork to complete a model of a molecule made from recycled materials.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Youth in Mali prepare for a game of Democrapoli, a game that allows players to simulate the role of electoral stakeholders.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Students in Georgia prepare for an IFES-sponsored flash mob promoting USAID™s civic education course, Democracy and Citizenship.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Young Georgians show their support for democracy at IFES' Choose Democracy event.