International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
In November 2011, a month after Libya declared its liberation, IFES conducted an electoral fact-finding mission, which identified challenges for democratic elections in the near term. IFES also assisted the electoral authorities in the implementation of t
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
After a close and controversial first-round presidential vote in November 2010, Haiti held a runoff election on March 20 for its top two presidential candidates, Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
IFES has worked in Kosovo since the end of the conflict with Serbia, assisting in several key elections as well as a number of civil society initiatives. In 2010, IFES assisted the Kosovar government to implement elections in the north of the country, inc
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
IFES's university level civics program, Demokratia da Mokalakeoba (Democracy and Citizenship), has been now implemented at 14 Georgian universities. The course, which has been popular with students, focuses on civic engagement, democracy, human rights and
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
In 1991, IFES helped establish the Association of Central and Eastern European Election Officials (ACEEEO) to promote regional exchange within the profession on electoral matters. Ever since IFES has worked in partnership with the organization and support
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
One of IFES' most successful projects in Kyrgyzstan has been youth Democracy Camps. For over a decade, these camps have taught students leadership skills, democratic values, and problem solving within local communities.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
IFES has conducted programming in Yemen since the first multiparty parliamentary elections in 1993, working with a variety of stakeholders, including the Supreme Commission for Elections and Referendum (SCER), the judiciary and civil society. In December
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Prior to the revolution that lead to the departure of President Mubarak, IFES had worked in Egypt for five years. Our long-term presence in country and established relationships with various stakeholders enabled IFES to deliver more effective assistance f
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Since September 2004, IFES has provided ongoing technical electoral assistance to Iraq's Independent High Electoral Commission's (IHEC). IFES' latest project focuses on working with the IHEC on strategic planning, monitoring, and evaluation; its internal
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Tunisia, the country that ignited the Arab Spring, held its first free election since the fall of the previous regime on October 23, 2012 when citizens cast their ballots to elect the National Constituent Assembly. IFES assisted the election management bo
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
In Papua New Guinea, where women's representation in parliament has been extremely low, IFES is supporting local women's groups by boosting their advocacy skills. IFES' program, Women Advocating for Voices in Government (WAVIG), aims to increase the parti
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
As part of IFES' women's legal rights initiative in India (2003-2010) 200,000 people received training in women's fundamental human rights protection including lawyers, paralegals, prosecutors, counselors, social workers, medical personnel, traditional he
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
IFES launched the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA), a consortium to increase dialogue on disability access in the region. In 2012, AGENDA held the first annual conference. It attracted over 140 individuals representing disabled peop
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
To help improve the voter list in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) of the Philippines, IFES and local partner Citizens CARE mobilized a large number of volunteers to spread information about the registration process and the importance of vo
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
IFES supported the 2010 Philippines general elections in several ways, including bringing two of the foremost legal experts on election adjudication from the U.S. - Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Paul H. Anderson and election law expert John Hardin Young
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
To ensure the May 20, 2012 presidential election was inclusive, a group of volunteers under the direction of IFES' subgrantee La Red Latinoamericana helped verify the registration of voters with disabilities and observed polling stations on Election Day t
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
In the run-up to the 2011 elections, IFES implemented an 18-month project to assist the Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) of Guatemala prepare for the polls. In this photo, citizens in Chimaltenango queue to register. On the right, a poster of IFES’ "Dedit
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
For years, IFES has worked closely with Mexico's Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) to share expertise and best practices with each other and other election management bodies around the world. For the July 2012 general election, IFES was invited to witness
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
On January 9, 2011 nearly 4 milliion southern Sudanese voters cast their ballots in a referendum on self-determination that resulted in the birth of South Sudan. IFES supported the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission in preparing for and conducting the h
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
After years of devastating civil war and armed conflict, Burundi held a series of five elections in 2010. In addition to assisting the election commission and civil society prepare for the polls, IFES launched a campaign to promote election security that
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Ahead of the February 2011 presidential and legislative elections in Uganda, motocycle taxi "boda boda" drivers in Kampala proudly wore t-shirts informing the public about the SMS technology system they could use to learn the location of their polling sta
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
For more than a decade, IFES has collaborated with Guinea's authorities, civil society and citizens, sharing experiences and best practices on democracy and civic responsibility. The long-standing relationship with stakeholders in the country has facilita
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Less than a week before Nigeria's April 9, 2011 election, IFES was asked to secure 21,220 lanterns and then ship them all over the country so poll workers could have light during the late evening vote counting. "We're on it!" was the immediate reply as co