International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Trainers Jim Heilman and Jennifer Collins-Foley show how to cast a ballot using the optical scan machine.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Optical scan and touch screen machines are new in many U.S. jurisdictions, but DC has used both since 2004.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Al Decie hands fellow trainer Jim Heilman a paper ballot during a voting demonstration.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
A veteran poll worker holds up his Jobs Guide, which tells poll workers about their various duties on Election Day.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Precinct Captain Arlester Brown (center) says he has seen recent improvements in the way D.C. trains poll workers and manages elections.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
D.C. Elections Board Spokesman Bill O’Field tells new poll workers what they can expect on Election Day.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
The training room is set up like a real polling station on Election Day.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Laura White thanks poll workers for ensuring the rights of voters with disabilities.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Trainer Gwenn Hofman demonstrates a new device designed to help voters who are unable to enter polling sites.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
A poll worker plays “20 Questions” to help her review the training material.