International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Incoming IFES President Jean-Pierre Kingsley shares a moment with IFES Chief Financial Officer Peter Shortsleeves and his wife at the Westin Hotel reception March 27.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Denis Kadima and Vincent Tohbi of EISA chat at the Westin reception with Robert Beugré Mambé, President of the Cote d’Ivoire electoral commission.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: The Westin reception featured a jazz band that treated delegates to a rousing set of New Orleans standards.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Tony Sirvello and Peggy Sparks of IACREOT present a Jefferson Cup to Paul Lantz of the A. Rifkin Company at the Westin reception.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Incoming IFES President Jean-Pierre Kingsley talks with Randy Teague, IFES board counsel, at the U.S. State Department reception.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Two GEO delegates gaze at the Lincoln Memorial from the balcony of the Ben Franklin Room at the U.S. State Department.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: GEO delegates enjoyed a view of Washington at sunset during the U.S. State Department reception.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: President Richard Soudriette thanked the U.S. State Department for its strong support of IFES' democracy work.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: U.S. Undersecretary for Management Henrietta Fore hosted the GEO delegates at the State Department reception March 28.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Frederick P. Furth, an IFES board member, addressed the delegates the U.S. State Department reception.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Gracia Hillman, a commissioner with the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, talks with a colleague at the Embassy of Hungary.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Peter G. Kelly, vice chairman of IFES' board, looks at a gallery of photos marking IFES' role in establishing the ACEEEO.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: U.S. Senator James Inhofe paid tribute to IFES President Richard Soudriette at the Hungarian Embassy reception.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: IFES President Richard Soudriette thanks Nellie White for her help in organizing the first ACEEEO Conference in 1991.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: IFES President Richard Soudriette presents Hungarian Deputy Chief of Mission Viktor Szederkényi with a plaque.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Judy Black, an IFES board member, talks with Peter Shortsleeves, IFES' chief financial officer at the Hungarian Embassy reception.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Liberian Elections Chairman James M. Fromayan and IFES President Richard Soudriette talk with Kenyan Elections Chairman Samuel Kivuitu and AEA President John Turner.