International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Participants engaged in small groups to develop a basic political finance storyboard for the module. Skye Christensen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: BRIDGE expert, Therese Laanela, explained the concept of key understandings prior to a brainstorming exercise. Skye Christensen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Dr. Marcin Walecki shared a chart outlining key areas of control for political finance with his colleagues. Skye Christensen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Participants in the political finance BRIDGE module development meeting co-hosted by IFES and International IDEA gathered outside of IDEA's headquarters in Stockholm. Skye Christensen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Lolita Cigane of Transparency International Latvia shared her version of the political finance cycle with the group. Skye Christensen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Skye Christensen of IFES introduced the BRIDGE methodology to participants on Day 1 of the workshop. Therese Laanela/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Dr. Magnus Ohman categorized a wide array of thoughts on political finance from the first brainstorming exercise. Skye Christensen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Political finance expert Michael Pinto Duschinsky and BRIDGE expert and author, Paul Guerin, chatted during a coffee break. Skye Christensen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Members of the core development team from IFES and IDEA met informally following the workshop for an in-depth debriefing. Skye Christensen/IFES.