International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Family photo of the Rutona BRIDGE training that brought together members from all 17 Burundian provinces as well as international facilitators from Congo, Belgium, France, the US, Egypt and Trinidad.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Raphael Ndayengenge, an IFES-Burundi staff member, and Terence Monabuca are satisfied with the day's fruitful session. Gabrielle Bardall/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: The BRIDGE training generated a wealth of ideas and solutions on resolving electoral disputes. Gabrielle Bardall/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Governor of Rutana congratulates the first-ever Burundian BRIDGE facilitator, Terence Monabuca. Gabrielle Bardall/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Earning her accreditation, BRIDGE facilitator Eva Palmans talk about the importance of alternative means of dispute resolution. Gabrielle Bardall/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: BRIDGE participants learn the importance of communications skills in solving electoral disputes. Gabrielle Bardall/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: IFES-Burundi staff member pitches in for a dynamic training. Gabrielle Bardall/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Participants discuss strategies to address electoral dispites at a local level. Gabrielle Bardall/IFES.