International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Ambassador Charles T. Manatt stands in front of a map depicting the locations of IFES projects. By the time Manatt became Chairman of the Board of Directors in 1993, IFES' reach had spread throughout the world.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Manatt speaks at Connecticut's Old State House during a panel discussion hosted by IFES in June 2010. The sessions featured members of IFES' Board of Directors as well as IFES experts on the topics of technology in elections and the participation of women
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
The Charles T. Manatt Democracy Awards are presented annually to one Republican, one Democrat and one member of the international community who, like Manatt, have shown extraordinary commitment to promoting good governance and safeguarding the voices of c
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Charles Manatt, left, and IFES President Bill Sweeney, right, meet with Manatt Fellow Melanie G. Mierzejewsk in 2010. Manatt made a point of meeting the students who received the fellowship he and his wife, Kathleen, established at IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Brandon Rottinghaus, left, the 2003 recipient of the Charles and Kathleen Manatt Fellowship at IFES, stands with Charles Manatt. The fellowship has been given yearly since 1998 to outstanding graduate students from the American Midwest to conduct research
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Manatt visits the Dominican Republic during an observation trip hosted by IFES during his time as chairman of IFES' Board of Directors.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
IFES Board member Maureen Kindle, left, and Charles Manatt, right, honor former IFES President Richard Soudriette with an award during IFES' 20th anniversary dinner in October 2007.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Manatt speaks at a conference of the Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO) on September 28, 1995.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Charles Manatt, left, presents a resolution dedicating the F. Clifton White Resources Center to Mrs. F. Clifton White.