International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Raila Odinga's nearly 1 million-vote lead vanished amid reports of improbably high voter turnout in Kibaki strongholds.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Kenya's elections chief said he was pressured by both sides to announce the results quickly, although he did not know who won. Photo by Bradley Austin
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Kenya's attorney general has called for an independent vote tally. Photo by Bradley Austin
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Voters wait to vote in the Nairobi's Kibera slum, the scene of some of the worst violence following the announcement of election results.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Support for opposition leader Raila Odinga is strong among voters in Kibera, Nairobi's largest slum. Photo by Bradley Austin
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: In some tally centers, poll workers followed transparency procedures, showing ballots to observers as they were counted. Photo by Bradley Austin