International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
At a men's polling station at Talal Aslan Scool, large numbers of men wait in the hallways to vote.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
At Omar Zaani School, one hallway was so filled that no one could move.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Women voting
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
What looks like a parking lot is really a line of drivers at a dead stop as cars search for parking near the polling station (Beirut 3).
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Voters may either bring in voting papers and put them in the envelope or they may write in candidates using the list inside each booth.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Security (usually police, but sometimes the Lebanese Army as well) was very tight around polling stations
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
The police try to calm a man who is yelling about the presence of candidates in the polling station
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
In Ali Abu Taleb School, two candidates got into an argument that prompted the police to take the extreme step of closing the polling station to try to restore order
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Each polling station has a Head of Polling Station and a Clerk.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Michael Faroun (left) with the March 14 coalition turns to address the crowd as he enters the school where other candidates were in an argument in a closed polling station.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Each contains information about the district, the specific polling station, the name and address of the school, the registration numbers that can vote here and the confessional designation (Sunni in this case)
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Crowds started very early and got progressively worse during the morning.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Aya, IFES Lebanon staffer, inks her finger after voting. Using indelible is a first in Lebanon and has been controversial.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
At the same school in Beirut 3, looking outside the gate you see a crowd almost equal to that inside already.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Almost all the polling stations were individual classrooms in schools throught the country like this station where IFES Lebanon staffer, Aya, voted.