International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A wing commander with the Nigerien Commission Electoral Nationale Indepéndante (CENI), right, introduces an IFES Niger program officer to the BRIDGE training group. The first icebreaker activity of the BRIDGE showcase assigned each participant a partner a
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Members of the Nigerien Commission Electoral Nationale Indepéndante (CENI) and international partner organizations received an introduction to the BRIDGE methodology during a September BRIDGE showcase. IFES will provide BRIDGE training sessions to the CEN
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Showcase participants take part in team-building activities, which form an important part of the BRIDGE methodology. Kamissa Camara/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Showcase participants take part in team-building activities, which form an important part of the BRIDGE methodology. Kamissa Camara/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: The September BRIDGE showcase introduced 25 members of the newly installed Nigerien Commission Electoral Nationale Indepéndante (CENI) and five international partner organization representatives to the BRIDGE methodology. Kamissa Camara/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Participants in the BRIDGE showcase whisper a message around a circle during the "Word of Mouth" activity. The activity is intended to help participants draw lessons and develop strategies to limit the distortion of information during the electoral proces
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Members of the Commission Electoral Nationale Indepéndante of Niger (CENI) and the Canadian International Development Agency listen to a presentation during the BRIDGE showcase. Kamissa Camara/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: The USAID country manager for Niger, M. William Noble, talks with Abdourahamane Hassan, Niger program assistant for USAID and agreement officer’s technical representative for the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS). Kamiss
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Kamissa Camara, IFES’ West Africa coordinator and facilitator of the BRIDGE showcase, encourages participants to give their opinions on common assumptions during their training. Corneille Nangaa
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A BRIDGE showcase participant in Niger whispers a message to his neighbor that he has heard from another member of the group. The "Word of Mouth" activity illustrates the potential for information to become distorted during the election process and helps