International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A proud community worker from the Mingalar Township in Burma stands in front of a voter education poster he personally sponsored.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: The first voters of the day find their names on the voter list displayed outside their neighborhood polling station.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A voters in Mayanngone Township check the voter list at a local school.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A woman casts her ballot as poll workers look on.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A man wearing a traditional Burmese longyi casts his ballot.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Poll workers prepare for the arrival of the first voters for Burma's April 1 by-election.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Voters wait outside the National League for Democracy (NLD) office as parallel vote tabulation results arrive.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Images of NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi were widely displayed during the by-election.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Crowds of voters fill the streets outside the National League for Democracy (NLD) office as the election results arrive.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Voters look for their names on the voter list in rural Hle Kuu Township.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A boy watches his father vote in the by-election.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A poll worker helps a voter find her name on the voter list.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Usually used by monks, this community center was transformed into a busy polling station on Election Day.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: An woman is helped to her polling station.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: In addition to locating their names on the voter list, voters had to present their National Registration Card at their polling station.