International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
IFES President and CEO Bill Sweeney and Manager of Congressional Affairs John Lawrence escort Dr. Said Aly to his seat.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
The event concluded with the presentation of a gift to Dr. Said Aly. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Dr. Said Aly explained the effect that the global economic crisis has had on Egypt's development. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
John Sullivan, Dr. Said Aly, Ahmed Abu Zeid from the Egyptian Embassy, and Bill Sweeney pose for the cameras. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Dr. Said Aly said Egypt has seen many advances towards becoming a full-fledged democracy. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Dr. Said Aly talked about the different models of democratization. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
A view of the room where the event was held. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
IFES regional director for the Middle East and North Africa Zeinab Abdelkarim's team organized the event. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
John Sullivan, Executive Director of the Center for International Private Enterprise, and Michael McShane, Congressional Liaison Officer for USAID, were among the distinguished guests. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Dr. Said Aly begins his remarks on democratization in Egypt. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
IFES President and CEO Bill Sweeney introduces Dr. Said Aly. Theresa Yu Chen/IFES.