International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Putting thumb print to receive first-past-the-post ballot for voting
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Another busy polling station.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Waiting patiently in the sun to vote.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Casting her vote.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Walking to the polling booth.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Receiving the first-past-the-post ballot.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Long queue of voters in Kathmandu valley.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Male voter casting ballot.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Happy to be voting.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Putting thumb print on ballot prior to casting vote.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Looking for names on the voter list.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Thumb print on PR ballot prior to casting vote.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
More women getting ready to vote.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
The pink and blue polling booths for the FPTP and PR voting.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
Voting by the paddy fields.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
The proportional representation ballot