International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A South Sudanese voter reads the posters outside the polling station at Kakuma camp before he enters to cast his first vote.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: At the International School of Astana in Kazakhstan, a small girl casts her father’s ballot. Children are often encouraged to accompany their parents on Election Day to experience the voting process.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A child in a mass demonstration dons the flag of Bangladesh, showing support for the South Asian nation.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A young Ecuadorian looks inside of a sealed ballot box after her mother voted.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Students share a lesson through dance for democratization and the future of Nepal. In many places where IFES has provided technical expertise, youth have demonstrated support for electoral transparency by serving as domestic election monitors, volunteerin
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: In July 2013, high school students participated in IFES' Democracy Camp in Osh oblast, Kyrgyzstan. The camp is a 10-day event that teaches critical thinking, leadership skills and teamwork. Through this program, students are exposed to civic and democrati
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Sitting along the sidewalk in Manila, these young women complete their registration forms for the Sangguniang Kabataan (Youth Council) elections before the deadline. These youth polls are exclusively for Filipinos 15 to 18 years of age.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Children in a rural commune in Burundi look at a poster explaining the voting process.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: The Election Commission of India began a massive exercise to educate young, eligible voters.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Youth participate in a Democracy Camp conducted by Citizens CARE with technical assistance from IFES