International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
1. South Sudan Referendum
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
2. South Sudan Referendum
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
3. Haiti's Presidential Runoff
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
4. Haiti's Presidential Runoff
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
5 Nigeria's General Elections
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
6. Guatemala's Presidential and Legislative Elections
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
7. Election Day in Liberia Second Round of Elections
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
8. Tunisia's Historic Election
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
9. Tunisia's Historic Election
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
10. Elections in Kyrgyzstan
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
11. Elections in Kyrgyzstan
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
12. Second Round of Guatemala's Elections
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
13. Second Round of Guatemala's Elections
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
14. Elections in Liberia
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
15. Egypt's First Post-Mubarak Election
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
16. Egypt's First Post-Mubarak Election
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
17. Elections in the DRC
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
18. Elections in Cote d'Ivoire
International Foundation for Electoral Systems:
19. Elections in Cote d'Ivoire