International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A close up of the ballot. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A poll worker checks a voter's ID. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A son watches his father cast his ballot. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A voter casts his ballot into a standard, transparent ballot box. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A voter presents her and her sister's IDs to the a poll worker. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A voter showing his ID at the polls. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: A voter’s finger being sprayed with indelible ink prior to receiving her ballot. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: An IFES staff member asks the polling station secretary some questions on election day. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: An IFES staff member casts her ballot. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: IFES developed a guide for pollworkers (visible on the chairman's desk). Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Observers watch the ballots being counted. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Poll workers counting the ballots. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: Poll worker checks a voter's ID. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: The polling stations were already full at 8 am, opening time. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: The Precinct Election Commission (PEC) chairman reports on the day's voting process. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES
International Foundation for Electoral Systems: The turnout for women was high in this election. Dmitry Shevkun/IFES.