Interceptor121: View from Bartolome
Interceptor121: Bartolome Landscape
Interceptor121: Galapagos Eagle
Interceptor121: Pinnacle Rock
Interceptor121: Landscape from Bartolome Top
Interceptor121: Bartolome Harbour
Interceptor121: Arch Rock and W olf Island
Interceptor121: Arch Rock
Interceptor121: Sunset on Wolf Island
Interceptor121: Isabella
Interceptor121: Tortoise Sant Cruz
Interceptor121: Riding or not
Interceptor121: The beach at Puerto Villami
Interceptor121: Sierra Negra Misery
Interceptor121: On the plans
Interceptor121: Sierra Negra
Interceptor121: Making headway
Interceptor121: Puerto Villami
Interceptor121: Penguins at Los Tuneles
Interceptor121: Los Tuneles
Interceptor121: Head to Head
Interceptor121: Blue footed booby
Interceptor121: Los Tuneles Reflections
Interceptor121: Lagoon at Los Tuneles
Interceptor121: East and West
Interceptor121: Iguana Crossing
Interceptor121: White Cheecked Pintail Duck
Interceptor121: Rosie-Billed Pochard
Interceptor121: Path to Isabella Tortoise Centre