interactives: My onager model
interactives: My espringal model
interactives: Tensioning the espringal
interactives: Loading the espringal
interactives: Shooting the espringal
interactives: Six rolled-up risk-assessments
interactives: Barbecue-skewer-blowpipe
interactives: The sling has been slung
interactives: Slinging a golf ball
interactives: The staff-sling
interactives: Thowing an arrow with a piece of string
interactives: The atlatl
interactives: The Roman plumbata dart
interactives: Overarm throw? - 1
interactives: Overarm throw? - 2
interactives: Richard Ellam demonstrates his water rockets
interactives: Richard Ellam prepares for take-off
interactives: A water rocket lifts off
interactives: The above is a balloon-rocket, almost out of sight...
interactives: Leaf-blower atomiser
interactives: The Coke and Mentos fountain experiment
interactives: Success!
interactives: Even higher!
interactives: Ben Craven's supergun
interactives: Ben Craven defies gravity