interactions_photos: DESY wire chamber - First place people's choice; Second place global jury competition
interactions_photos: The accelerator operator - Second place people's choice competition
interactions_photos: HERA accelerator tunnel - Third place people's choice competition
interactions_photos: 8Pi experiment - First place global jury competition
interactions_photos: Quadrupole magnets - Third place global jury competition
interactions_photos: TRIUMF's material-science facility
interactions_photos: Broken Symmetry
interactions_photos: Electric cable at CERN--Christian Stephani
interactions_photos: Roof of the Meson Laboratory
interactions_photos: Belle Detector
interactions_photos: Connection pipe for LHC magnet--Diego Giol
interactions_photos: Paperclips atop the world's largest cyclotron
interactions_photos: KEK collage
interactions_photos: Test beamline for CERN's Linac4 project--Diego Giol
interactions_photos: KEK's Accelerator Test Facility