Intel Photos: Intel Ireland Campus
Intel Photos: Thierry van der Pyl, Director, Components and Systems, DG Information Society & Media, European Commission
Intel Photos: Dr. Hakan Gürsu, Middle East Technical University
Intel Photos: Conor Lenihan, Irish Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Education and Science, and Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
Intel Photos: Conor Lenihan, Irish Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Education and Science, and Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
Intel Photos: left to right: Conor Lenihan, Thierry van der Pyl, Hakan Gürsu
Intel Photos: Delegates attend the Intel Technology Showcase at the Intel European Resarch and Innovation Conference 2010
Intel Photos: Delegates attend the Intel Technology Showcase at the Intel European Resarch and Innovation Conference 2010
Intel Photos: Showcase Intel Digital Health technology at the Intel European Resarch and Innovation Conference 2010
Intel Photos: Dr. Christopher Horn, former CEO, Chairman and VP of IONA Technologies
Intel Photos: Dan O'Brien, Economics Editor, Irish Times
Intel Photos: Dan O'Brien, Economics Editor, Irish Times
Intel Photos: Malcom Penn, CEO - Future Horizons
Intel Photos: Malcom Penn, CEO - Future Horizons
Intel Photos: left to right: Leonard Hobbs, Malcom Penn, Christoper Horn, Dan O'Brien
Intel Photos: Joe Foley, Ireland Fab Operations Factory Manager
Intel Photos: Dr. Hakan Gürsu, Middle East Technical University
Intel Photos: Delegates attend the Intel Technology Showcase at the Intel European Resarch and Innovation Conference 2010
Intel Photos: Leonard Hobbs, Silicon Nanotechnology Research Manager, Intel Ireland
Intel Photos: Malcom Penn, CEO - Future Horizons
Intel Photos: Dr. Christopher Horn, former CEO, Chairman and VP of IONA Technologies
Intel Photos: Gordon Graylish, Vice President, Sales and Marketing Group and General Manager, Enterprise Solution Sales, Intel Corporation
Intel Photos: Brian MacCraith, President, Dublin City University
Intel Photos: Conference speakers Genevieve Bell, Intel, Anne Connelly, Ageing Well Network, Gilbert Declerck, IMEC and Malcolm Penn, Future Horizons, take part in a panel discussion
Intel Photos: Gordon Graylish, Vice President, Sales and Marketing Group and General Manager, Enterprise Solution Sales, Intel Corporation
Intel Photos: Ian Robertson, Trinity College Dublin
Intel Photos: Ian Robertson, Trinity College Dublin
Intel Photos: Niamh Scannell, Intel introduces Ian Robertson, Trinity College Dublin
Intel Photos: Brian MacCraith, President, Dublin City University
Intel Photos: Martin Curley, Director, Intel Labs Europe