Intel Photos:
Teraflops at Research@Intel Day 2007
Intel Photos:
Fair Gaming at Research@Intel Day 2007
Intel Photos:
Driver-less Car at Research@Intel Day 2007
Intel Photos:
Research@Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Research@Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Mountain View Computer History Museum
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Setting up for Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008: Energy Efficient Communication
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008: Alphabet Kids Communication
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel 2008: BioElectronic Chip
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008: Face Detection and Alignment
Intel Photos:
Aaron Teersteg at Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Setting up Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008: Ultra-low Voltage Video Encoding Accelerator
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Welcome to Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Setting up for Research @ Intel Day 2008
Intel Photos:
Carry Small, Live Large
Intel Photos:
Research @ Intel Day 2008: Wireless Remote Graphics Rendering
Intel Photos:
Intel Photos:
Intel Photos:
Intel Photos:
Intel Photos: