Intel APAC: The Launch of the Intel Xeon processor 5500 series in Taiwan
Intel APAC: Press briefing of the Intel Xeon processor 5500 series in Taiwan
Intel APAC: Intel Executives to take photo on stage
Intel APAC: Intel Executives to take photo in showcare area
Intel APAC: Tom Macdonald, Intel vice president of the Digital Enterprise Group and general manager of the Platform Components Group
Intel APAC: Intel Executives and VIP guests from Taiwan industry partners to demonstrate a strong support of ecosystem
Intel APAC: Stanley Huang, Asia Pacifics Director of Marketing and Technical Service
Intel APAC: Tom Macdonald, vice president of the Digital Enterprise Group and general manager of the Platform Components Group
Intel APAC: Intel Xeon 5500 launch in Taiwan
Intel APAC: Taiwan vendors showcase motherboards and DDR3
Intel APAC: Intel Xeon 5500 processor